Let the Brown Bear help you bring the fun into your business

Web Sites
About Henry

Henry John Boleszny

Business & Web Site Development Consultant

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Business Development Services

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I can offer you a range of business services and products which are proven to lift your business success. These include mentoring (through courses or on specific issues) and marketing assistance (such as stationery masters).

Add some business development workbooks and reference texts to your toolbox! Whether you are new to the business world or have been involved with it for some time, these books provide many useful tips and techniques for improving business performance.

The modules from the Business Miracles series are equivalent to the training provided under NEIS, but with more detail. The packages are suitable for both established and new enterprises and are fully mapped against existing nationally endorsed training standards. This means that the modules you complete are valid throughout Australia. You can complete these in one of two ways - either self-paced and self-assessed or (for a small additional fee) attend regular seminars and have your progress assessed.

. A customized training program to suite your specific needs, can be arranged if required. This service is provided through a strategic alliance with Amy Boleszny, one of Australia's foremost developers of nationally endorsed training packages.

Each of these options can help you improve your business management skills or enhance self-awareness. We have found that the world in which we live reflects the way we think and feel. All the tools made available through this business incorporate techniques and strategies to improve your self-awareness as well as business acumen.

View the business & web site service prospectus (41 KB; pdf) for further information or use this form to request a consultation or prospectus through the mail. Please note that all services and products must be paid for by cash or cheque.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the Enquiries Form is not yet available.
It will be linked and posted to this site no later than 30 March 2001.
Until then, please forward all requests and comments by e-mail.

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